With the help of God, the membership increased. We purchased a bus and van, updated church interior, established a more systematic record keeping system, improved the quality of worship. Provided feeding for the homeless and senior citizens, organized the Moorer choral ensemble, Young Women's Bible Class, expanded youth involvement through local and state participation, installed a new sound system, purchased property and laid corner stones on the old and new sanctuaries, and also purchased additional land on Second Avenue North.
Due to the retirement of Reverend Moorer on December 29, 2002, the church elected Pastor Geroid E. Caldwell on November 16, 2003. Under the leadership of Pastor Caldwell There have been numerous changes as he focuses on keeping abreast in the 21st century. He reached many facets of the community thru an afternoon radio broadcast, iniated the children's church, teen summit, mime ministry, Wednesday night explosion, and expanded the music ministry with a male chorus and additional instruments.
Pastor Caldwell encourages educational and spiritual growth thru weekly Bible Study, Discipleship Training, Marriage Seminars and reorganization of Sunday School now referred to as Discipleship School, Women's Ministry, Deacon's Training Ministry, Praise Dancers Ministry, Drama Ministry, Greeter's Ministry, Spirital fun events for the youth department and Evangelistic work in the community.
He approved demolition of the old sanctuary building (302-6th Street North), with hope and aspiration of building a new life center/fellowship hall for use by the members and the community in the future. His motto is "We are a church where you can come just as you are". Indeed we are a faith driven church.
We have come this far by faith. Our 2014 church motto is "STAY IN THE RACE". 2Timothy 4:7.
The First name of the Church was St. Timothy Baptist Church. The Pastor was Reverend J. A. Martin, Reverend Burrells, Reverend Henry, and Reverend Braggs.
We later moved to Third Avenue North, in a house, and Reverend Ferguson became the Pastor. He stayed about a month. There were eight deacons. They got together and later called Reverend John Henry Stenson in July, 1940.
Reverened Stenson suggested that the church would be named "Peace Baptist". The church purchased a lot on 5th Street Noth and in one year's time bought a little white church after the membership increased. The Pastor, Members, and Deasons later purchased another lot and built the church at 302-Sixth Street, North.
Reverend Stenson drew up the floor plan for the church, and Deacon Jin Wright was the contractor for the church. On The First Sunday in June, 1948, we marched into the new building. Reverened Stenson served faithfully until his health failed him. Her served for 29 years abd was called home to rest in 1969. The church was without a shepherd for six months.
We set out to find another leader; and one morning on the Third Sunday in August, 1969, The Lord sent us a "Born Again Minister, Reverend Hobdy Moorer, Jr." He preached, prayed, and sang his song. "The Lord will make a way." He preached on the Same Sunday that we were ready to call a Pastor; and that afternoon, Reverened Moorer was elected as our Pastor by a majority vote.
Under the leadership of Reverened Moorer for 33 years and four months, our church progressed and many things were done: ten men were called to the ministry, sixteen deacons were ordained, eleven men and eleven women were added to the trustee ministry.